LBC March 2025
Check out the LBC Calendar attachment.
The calendar will be your source for LBC events.
Thank you to David Ohnstad for updating our website each month
Membership Dues for 2025-26
Membership dues for the Leesburg Boating Club are due April 1, 2025.
Family Memberships are $275.00
Single Memberships are $200.00
Please mail your check to:
Leesburg Boating Club
P.O. Box 491043
Leesburg FL 34748-1043
Also, let me know if you’ve made changes to your contact information.
Address, phone & email address. I like to keep our Membership Directory up to date.
Let me know also, if you are NOT going to renew your membership for 2025-26.
The LBC Advisory Council
The LBC AC meets the first Thursday of each month at 6 PM at the Cheekee over the Water,
during Thirsty Thursdays. The Advisory Council’s has had many successes. The next meeting
is on 6 March. Council members are Bill Mann, Peggy Herlong, Dale Coons, Ed Azzopardi,
Margaret and Georg Bolton, Patti Wolf, Matt Tutton and Alice Coleman. Please contact an
Advisory Council member if you have any ideas of LBC improvements or suggestions.
Did you Know?
One of my jobs as the LBC Corresponding Secretary is to
mail Sympathy, Get Well, Thinking of You and Wedding cards to our members.
I’d appreciate you letting me know if you hear of a member or members
that would appreciate a card from the LBC Members.
Thank you, Karen
Rentals for March
Friday, March 7, 202. Clubhouse and outside area
Saturday, March 8, 2025. Clubhouse and outside area
Remember that all rentals have permission to use the outside area.
Please refrain from visiting the club area during the above rentals.
Any rentals on Thursdays & Sundays will not interfere with our Tiki time
Closing the Tiki before you leave.
Please follow the checklist posted on the Tiki door.
We appreciate you using your club but we all need to keep it secure
when no one is present. Also make sure the Tiki gate chain is wrapped
around the gate before securing the lock.
Don’t forget to turn off the HEATERS.
Thank you. Sincerely, Your LBC Board Members
Additional information- Don’t forget to turn off the heaters.
For your Information
Remember that only members may obtain beer and alcoholic
beverages from the Tiki.
If you have guests you will have to get their drinks for them
This is ai liability insurance issue.
Everything in the Tiki is funded by your donations.
Place your donation for all alcoholic drinks in the black box
on the wall behind the beer kegs.
This includes the Deckhand refrigerator which stores soft drinks and water.
The donation Box is on the wall behind the Deckhand refrigerator.
Club Events
Every Sunday night- Chill & Grill at 5:30
Bring your meat to grill & a side to share.
Or just an appetizer to share.
Every Thursday night -Thirsty Thursday at 5:30
Bring an appetizer to share.
Thursday, March 6th
Advisory Council meeting
Sunday, March 9th
Cruise-in to O’Keefe’s Irish Pub
Election of Officers
Please reply to this email if you plan to attend
Fred needs to contact the restaurant to let them know the number of guests.
Tuesday, March 11th
LBC Landscape Team
Thursday. March 13th
LBC Board Meeting
Thursday. March 13th
5:30 Karaoke Night
We will be having Karaoke Night at the Tiki on the 2nd Thursday of each month.
Come join us for a little fun, and cheer on your favorite singer or sing yourself.
Thursday, March 20th
Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day
Entertainment Night!
Music by Allavie
She sings a wide variety of songs.
Bring appetizers to share.
Happy March Birthday to these LBC Members
1st Bill Mann
3rd Mike Dozier
3rd Jimbo Mayfield
4th Dee Boyce
7th Matt Tutton
8th Edie Azzopardi
8th Carol Clendinen
9th Ted Wolf
9th George Mahr
10th Frank Schultz
11th Roger Beyers
12th Ty Justison
16th Mary Ann Brown
16th Stephanie Lenhart
17th Hugh Lyttleton
17th Lindsey Weber
18th Chris Ford
19th Linda Raymond
20th Dan Abrescia
20th Brian Sapp
21st Ray Richardson
23rd Jackie Talley
23rd Rich Kelley
24th John Snyder
28th. Mike Wittman
28th Jim Logan
28th Brooks Logan
28th Maria Danckaert
28th Linda Grizzard
29th Tricia White
30th Julie Malik
Happy March Anniversary to these LBC Members
1st R. Kim & Michele Ethridge ~ 45th
2nd Rusty & Shannon Young ~ 29th
12th Peter & Gail Strimenos ~ 27th
20th Dale & Judy Coon ~ 61st
20th Charlie & Felicia Taylor ~ 15th
26th John & Kim Snyder ~ 20th
Happy March Birthday to this LBC Deckhands
5th Lacie Wittman will be 16 years old
Daughter of Mike & Rhonda Wittman & Granddaughter of Wade & Lynn Winker
5th Buddy Weber will be 17 years old
Son of Karsten & Lindsey Weber & Grandson of Ted & Patti Wolf
6th Anna Delgado will be 8 years old
Daughter of Daniel & Leah Delgado & Granddaughter of Bill & Becky Binneveld
8th Roselee Moore will be 9 years old
Daughter of Bobbie & Sharon Nobles-Moore & Granddaughter of Les & Rosita Nobles-Poole
9th Meghan Boliek will be 18 years old
Daughter of Bert & Jen Boliek
11th Emma Dolan will be 15 years old.
Daughter of Michael & Dawn Dolan
15th Lannah Clark will be 15 years old.
Daughter of Joseph and Brenna Clark & Granddaughter of Greg & Lauta Clark
17th Audrey Grace Logan will be 13 years old
Daughter of Drew & Shelly Logan & Granddaughter of Jim & Barbara Logan
Saturday, April 5th Easter Egg Hunt on the water.
Sunday, April 6th Fireside Chat & Installation of officers
Weekend of May 16-18, 2025. Casey Key
Tuesday-Thursday July 22-24, boat trip to Steinhatchee FL for scalloping
Karen O’Brien
LBC Corresponding Secretary
“In God We Trust”
LBC February 2025
Check out the LBC Calendar attachment.
The calendar will be your source for LBC events.
Thank you to David Ohnstad for updating our website each month
Membership Dues for 2025-26
Membership dues for the Leesburg Boating Club are due April 1, 2025.
Family Memberships are $275.00
Single Memberships are $200.00
Please mail your check to:
Leesburg Boating Club
P.O. Box 491043
Leesburg FL 34748-1043
Also, let me know if you’ve made changes to your contact information.
Address, phone & email address. I like to keep our Membership Directory up to date.
Did you Know?
One of my jobs as the LBC Corresponding Secretary is to
mail Sympathy, Get Well, Thinking of You and Wedding cards to our members.
I’d appreciate you letting me know if you hear of a member or members
that would appreciate a card from the LBC Members.
Thank you, Karen
Rentals for February
Sunday, February 2, 2025. Clubhouse and outside area
Friday, February 7, 2025. Clubhouse and outside area.
Remember that all rentals have permission to use the outside area.
Please refrain from visiting the club area during the above rentals.
Any rentals on Thursdays & Sundays will not interfere with our Tiki time
Closing the Tiki before you leave.
Please follow the checklist posted on the Tiki door.
We appreciate you using your club but we all need to keep it secure
when no one is present. Also make sure the Tiki gate chain is wrapped
around the gate before securing the lock.
Don’t forget to turn off the HEATERS.
Thank you. Sincerely, Your LBC Board Members
Additional information- Don’t forget to turn off the heaters.
For your Information
Remember that only members may obtain beer and alcoholic
beverages from the Tiki.
If you have guests you will have to get their drinks for them
This is ai liability insurance issue.
Everything in the Tiki is funded by your donations.
Place your donation for all alcoholic drinks in the black box
on the wall behind the beer kegs.
This includes the Deckhand refrigerator which stores soft drinks and water.
The donation Box is on the wall behind the Deckhand refrigerator.
Club Events
Every Sunday night- Chill & Grill at 5:30
Bring your meat to grill & a side to share.
Or just an appetizer to share.
Every Thursday night -Thirsty Thursday at 5:30
Bring an appetizer to share.
Sunday, February 9th
Superbowl Sunday
The Game starts at 6:30
Bring an appetizer to share
Tuesday, February 11th
LBC Landscape Team
Thursday. February 13th
LBC Board Meeting
Thursday. February 13th
5:30 Karaoke Night
& Valentine’s Day Celebration. Hosted by several LBC Members
We will be having Karaoke Night at the Tiki on the 2nd Thursday of each month.
Come join us for a little fun, and cheer on your favorite singer or sing yourself.
Saturday, February 15th.
11:30 am meet at the mouth of Haynes Creek & Lake Griffin
Cruise-in to
JD Bird’s on the Water
If you are going by car the address is:
19240 SE Hwy 42 Weirsdale. We should be there by 12:00
Please reply to this email if you plan to attend. Boat or Car?
Fred likes to give the restaurant a “heads-up” on the number of people attending.
Thursday, February 20th
Entertainment Night!
Music by TBD
Bring appetizers to share.
Happy February Birthday to these LBC Members
2nd David Hass
2nd Sissy Shaw
6th Ed Azzopardi
7th Jan Tindall
9th Joseph Clark
9th Romain Spell
10th Ruth Ann Key
11th Margaret Bolton
11th Sherry Stewart
12th Billy Tweedle
15th Jay Bookbinder
16th Tommy Neal
16th Cindy Yox
16th Mike Spradlin
18th Dianne Simmons
20th Rick Kelsey
20th Lita Sergio
21st Janice Kemp
25th Holly Rouse
25th William Jeffs
25th Jane Ruemke
28th George Morrison
28th George Smith
Happy February Anniversary to these LBC Members
6th Christopher & Jane Ruemke ~ 39th
7th Bobbie Moore & Sharon Nobles- Moore ~ 11th
14th Vince & Dixie Fechtel ~ 33rd
18th Douglas & Suzanne Colson ~ 30th
21st /81 David & Carol Haas ~ 44th
28th Rob & Amy Bowersox 38th
Happy February Birthday to this LBC Deckhand
9th Walker Clark will be 18 years old
son of Joseph and Brenna Clark
and Grandson of Greg & Lauta Clark
Saturday, March 1,2025. Luau at the Tiki. A ticketed event. *
Sunday, March 9, 2025 Cruise-in to O’Keefe’s
Election of Officers
Saturday, April 5th Easter Egg Hunt on the water.
Karen O’Brien
LBC Corresponding Secretary
“In God We Trust”
*If you can’t attend the Luau and have purchased tickets, please let me know.
I have a waiting list of members that will reimburse you for the cost of your tickets.
If you would like to be added to the waiting list let me know.
LBC January 2025
Check out the LBC Calendar attachment.
The calendar will be your source for LBC events.
Thank you to David Ohnstad for updating our website each month
Did you Know?
One of my jobs as the LBC Corresponding Secretary is to
mail Sympathy, Get Well, Thinking of You and Wedding cards to our members.
I’d appreciate you letting me know if you hear of a member or members
that would appreciate a card from the LBC Members.
Also, let me know when you make changes to your contact information.
Address, phone & email address. I like to keep our Membership Directory up to date.
Thank you, Karen
Rentals for January
Saturday, January 11, 2025. Clubhouse and outside area
Sunday, January 12, 2025. Clubhouse and outside area
Saturday, January 18, 2025. Clubhouse and outside area.
Remember that all rentals have permission to use the outside area.
Please refrain from visiting the club area during the above rentals.
Any rentals on Thursdays & Sundays will not interfere with our Tiki time
Closing the Tiki before you leave.
Please follow the checklist posted on the Tiki door.
We appreciate you using your club but we all need to keep it secure
when no one is present. Also make sure the Tiki gate chain is wrapped
around the gate before securing the lock.
Thank you. Sincerely, Your LBC Board Members
For your Information
Remember that only members may obtain beer and alcoholic
beverages from the Tiki.
If you have guests you will have to get their drinks for them
This is ai liability insurance issue.
Everything in the Tiki is funded by your donations.
Place your donation for all alcoholic drinks in the black box
on the wall behind the beer kegs.
This includes the Deckhand refrigerator which stores soft drinks and water.
The donation Box is on the wall behind the Deckhand refrigerator.
Club Events
Every Sunday night- Chill & Grill at 5:30
Bring your meat to grill & a side to share.
Or just an appetizer to share.
Every Thursday night -Thirsty Thursday at 5:30
Bring an appetizer to share.
Thursday. January 9th
LBC Board Meeting
Chili Dinner
Thursday. January 9th
Karaoke Night
We will be having Karaoke Night at the Tiki on the 2nd Thursday of each month.
Come join us for a little fun, and cheer on your favorite singer or sing yourself.
Sunday, January 12th.
2:00 pm
Cruise-in to
Hurricane Dockside
Please reply to this email if you plan to attend.
Fred likes to give the restaurant a “heads-up” on the number of people attending.
Tuesday, January 14th
LBC Landscape Team
Thursday, January 16st
Entertainment Night!
Music by Toby T
Bring appetizers to share.
Saturday, January 25th
A Taste of Italy
Cocktails from 6-7:00 ~ Dinner Served at 7:00
This is a ticketed event
All tickets have been sold!
Tickets are available from:
Edie Azzopardi 407-721-5825
Karen O’Brien 352-250-3809
Dianne Boyd 352-350-4553
Ed Azzopardi 407-765-8042
and Ford Press during business hours.
Tickets- Members $60.00 and Guests $65.00. This included a meal and entertainment.
Best time to get your tickets is during Tiki Time on Sunday & Thursday evenings.
Purchase your tickets now because this will probably sell out early
Happy January Birthday to these LBC Members
3rd Lani Boost
4th Laura Braun
4th Bill Leware
6th Jeanette Schultz
7th Carol Hass
7th Pam Mahr
8thThomas Keene
9th.Jackie Williams
9th Mandie Kelley
10th Melonie Henderson
11th Iris Robuck
12th Grover Keeney
12th Barbara Kottke
13th Beverly Ohnstad
14th Linda Tucker
15th Dody Davison
18th Paul Baker
19th Fred Mottle
20th Fran Sullivan
21st Susan Neal
21st Dianna O’Kelley
23rd Shelly Logan
24th Barbara Logan
24th Nita Sacco
27th Braxton Price
27th Kerri Cox
28th Jane Medley
31st Rick Newman
31st Susan Parker
31st Nancy Humes
31st Cheri English
Happy January Anniversary to these LBC Members
1st Harry & Toni Hawes ~ 29th
1st Lee & Janice Kemp ~ 47th
13th Norm & Barbara Mittermaier-Kottke ~ 5th
15th Joseph & Brenna Clark ~ 25th
Saturday, February 15, 2025. Cruise-in to JD Bird’s
We will be meeting at the mouth of Haines Creek & Lake Griffin
Saturday, March 1,2025. Luau at the Tiki. A ticketed event.
Sunday, March 9, 2025 Cruise-in to O’Keefe’s
Election of Officers
Karen O’Brien
LBC Corresponding Secretary
“In God We Trust”
LBC December Newsletter
Check out the LBC Calendar attachment.
The calendar will be your source for LBC events.
Thank you to David Ohnstad for updating our website each month
Welcome to this new LBC Member
Esther De Pedro
Sponsored by Felicia Taylor
Thank you to Dixie Fechtel for letting us borrow 3 life jackets to use when
members want to use the Kayaks on the West side. They are stored inside the kayaks.
Reply to this email if you need more information.
Thank you to Debbie & Jay Bookbinder for decorating
the outside of the LBC for Christmas.
It now looks very festive.
Did you Know?
One of my jobs as the LBC Corresponding Secretary is to
mail Sympathy, Get Well, Thinking of You and Wedding cards to our members.
I’d appreciate you letting me know if you hear of a member or members
that would appreciate a card from the LBC Members.
Also, let me know when you make changes to your contact information.
Address, phone & email address. I like to keep our Membership Directory up to date.
Thank you, Karen
Rentals for December
Friday, December 6, 2024. Clubhouse and outside area
Friday, December 13, 2024. Clubhouse and outside area.
Saturday, December 14, 2024. Clubhouse and outside area.
Wednesday, December 18, 2024 Clubhouse and outside area
Saturday, December 21, 2024. Clubhouse and outside area.
Remember that all rentals have permission to use the outside area.
Please refrain from visiting the club area during the above rentals.
Any rentals on Thursdays & Sundays will not interfere with our Tiki time.
Closing the Tiki before you leave.
Please follow the checklist posted on the Tiki door.
We appreciate you using your club but we all need to keep it secure
when no one is present. Also make sure the Tiki gate chain is wrapped
around the gate before securing the lock.
Thank you. Sincerely, Your LBC Board Members
For your Information
Remember that only members may obtain beer and alcoholic
beverages from the Tiki.
If you have guests you will have to get their drinks for them
This is ai liability insurance issue.
Everything in the Tiki is funded by your donations.
Place your donation for all alcoholic drinks in the black box
on the wall behind the beer kegs.
This includes the Deckhand refrigerator which stores soft drinks and water.
The donation Box is on the wall behind the Deckhand refrigerator.
Club Events
Every Sunday night- Chill & Grill at 5:30
Bring your meat to grill & a side to share.
Or just an appetizer to share.
Every Thursday night -Thirsty Thursday at 5:30
Bring an appetizer to share.
Sunday, December 8th
Toys for Tots Weigh-in & Lunch
Chili Dinner
Christmas Lighted Boat Parade
Tuesday, December 10th
LBC Landscape Team
Thursday. December 12th
LBC Board Meeting
Karaoke Night
We will be having Karaoke Night at the Tiki on the 2nd Thursday of each month.
Come join us for a little fun, and cheer on your favorite singer or sing yourself.
Thursday, December19st
Entertainment Night!
Ugly Sweater Contest ~ Prizes awarded
Music by Carol Ann
Bring appetizers to share.
Tuesday, December 31st
New Years Eve at the Tiki
Casual- Bring an Appetizer to Share
$5.00 Donation at the Door
Champaign at Midnight
Happy December Birthday to these LBC Members
1st David Quattlebaum
1st Richard Rojas
4th Andy Braun
12/4th David Bates
6th George Bolton
6th Dave Derer
7th Brenda Quattlebaum
7th Gordon Pemble
9th Melisa Franklin
9th Gary Tutor
10th Robin Cauthen
15th Chista Moffitt
17th Morgan Haliday
18th Mort Gause
19th Beau Young
20th Lauta Clark
20th Jackie Croft
21st Bill Cauthen
23rd Tim Sullivan
23rd Chet Simmons
23rd Burt Jackson
25th Cindy Clark Devries
26th Wade Winker
27th Randy Young
27th Jen Herlong
27th Carol Bewley
28th Denise Burry
30th Amy Huff
30th Bonnie Binneveld
30th Bert Boliek
31st Will Davison
31st Reid Cottrell
Happy December Anniversary to these LBC Members
8th Andrew & Morgan Haliday ~ 12th
11th Martin & Dianne Boyd ~ 43rd
14th Freddie & Sheryl Murray ~ 48th
15th Mark & Lani Boost ~ 8th
22nd Paul & Joyce Buchanan ~ 28th
25th Carl & Trish White ~ 30th
28th Kirk & Holly Rouse ~ 33rd
31st Doug & Christie Wade ~ 5th
Happy December Birthday to this LBC Deckhand
29th Tanner Schick will be 18 years old
and Grandson of Gary & Debbie Tutor
Save the Date
Sunday, January 19, 2025 2:00pm Cruise-in to Hurricanes
Saturday, January 25, 2005 LBC Italian Dinner Date Night Ticketed event
Sunday, February 16, 2005. 2:00 Cruise-in to Kahlua Beach Bar
Saturday, March 1, 2025. Luau at the Tiki. A ticketed event.
Karen O’Brien
LBC Corresponding Secretary
“In God We Trust”